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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Consider a funeral...

Unfortunately, funeral planning is something we will all have to do at one point in our lives. Death is inevitable and the one thing that is guaranteed in life but when it comes down to organising a loved one's funeral, how do you do it? Where do you do it? Are you getting good value for money? How do you know? What do you really need and what are unnecessary expenses?
There are 3 basic reasons for considering funerals:
1.      A loved one has passed away suddenly
This can be one of the most difficult times in your life and one of the toughest to make decisions. This traumatic time can be made a little easier with good planning and financial decision-making. Have a look at our website to arm yourself with information on burials, eulogies, charities and finance. Or go one better and give us a call and let us help relieve some of the burden you are carrying.
2.      A loved one has been diagnosed as terminally ill
Planning this type of a funeral can be a difficult but also a healing process. Because you may be working with your loved one on what they would want from their funeral, you will feel more complete knowing that you have done everything as they would have wanted it on the day. Farewell can help work with you and your loved one to make this so and give it that creative, personal touch.
3.      You wish to pre-plan your own funeral

Still a little taboo in Ireland, preplanning your own funeral is growing from strength to strength. In our
opinion, everyone should consider this an important part of planning for the future. Planning for the
future allows you to relax and enjoy the present. Let us know your thoughts.

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