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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

NFDA Austin Convention 2013 - FuneralTech's Memory Maker App

FuneralTech, a newbie on the scene of the Funeral industry launched a new app called Memory Maker at this years convention. The app is designed specifically for each funeral home and can be downloaded by family members. They can view all of the products and services on offer by that funeral home with no time pressure and in the comfort of their own home allowing them to digest all the options and various cost associated with the funeral.

What I found fascinating was that during a year of testing the market, FuneralTech found that they increased average funeral home revenues by 10% per funeral. Its an interesting result because I would have thought that with no pressure or someone looming over your shoulder as you make decisions most people would opt for the cheaper options - but maybe not so.

Key features to the app include - more power in the family's hands, saves time for both customer and funeral director, apparently increases revenue while also improving customer satisfaction.

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