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Monday, 28 November 2011

A funeral named Suicide

With recent death of Gary Speed at the weekend, the online and offline media world has been dissecting every part of his life and death. It was announced by the Football Association of Wales that Gary Speed hung himself on November 27th 2011. 

When someone we love takes their own life, it can be so painful for those left behind as they focus on why and how they could have changed the course of events if only they had known. Grief, guilt and anger are emotions that will play a huge part in the days, weeks and months following the death.

The funeral should focus on understanding and empathizing the family’s grief and refrain from rationalization and explanation. The family of a suicide fatality needs comfort. Arrange for loved ones to share good memories about his/her life. Humorous stories are appropriate as they will lift the mood, if even momentarily. If possible, have them write out their comments, as this will prevent any inappropriateness, however unintended, that may cause additional hurt or pain to the family.

It is also important to note that people from different cultural backgrounds are likely to have different ideas about where a person should be buried or where the remains of a dead person should be scattered. If in doubt, contact your local undertaker, church, society or us at Farewell Funeral Planners.

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