I was watching the Billy Connolly UTV/ITV show - Billy Connolly's 'Big Send off'.
And in the second episode he investigated the whole concept of donating ones body to science for research, exploration, medical development and education. I have to say before I saw this episode I was with Billy in that I "didn't want anyone looking at my wobbly bits" when I wasn't there to defend them. But what was interesting and mind blowing for me was the sincere thanks and appreciation that the deceased received from those who had 'used' their bodies. A little thank you note to someone who can't read it might seem a little silly but I was genuinely moved by this and I thought if I was able to see this Thank You note and it belonged to someone I knew who had donated their body, I would be moved once again by how much that person meant to me and still does in death.
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Friday, 27 June 2014
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Why should you use Blogging/Social Media for your funeral home? P2
Credibility and reputation
Position yourself as a thought leader. Most people arrive at a funeral home during an time-of-need service and so they may not know the wealth of services that you provide. A blog and social media can help to showcase this without selling AT them or being too pompous. Become someone they can turn to and ask questions when the time is right.
Drive Sales
Statistics show that companies with business blogs will generate on average 80% more sales leads. Use your blog to educate people on how to personalize their service which could ultimately leads to more ‘add on’ sales for your home.
70% of people use blogs as information sources when making buying decisions.
Customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness rating for all types of content marketing, with a rating of 89% so lets get some testimonials from your customers onto your blog and Facebook page.
It can also help you to understand your market
We can do polls, ask questions on social media, get feedback and generally begin to understand your market more. It’s about opening a two-way conversation with the people you serve every day.
Sunday, 22 June 2014
ecoLegacy - the unveiling
Last March I was invited to the unveiling of brand new technology - ecoLegacy. In case you didn't read my book (shame on you) or have never heard my chatter on ecoLegacy - briefly it is a form of body disposition set to rival burial and cremation. It is similar to cremation but without the fire.
So last March when I was invited to 'test run' this new technology, I jumped at the chance. We would get to see this new 'non flame cremation' in action. That we did - Already deceased (very important) animal remains were reduced to a non toxic inert ash without any flame in this ecoLator - an accelerated natural disposition unit. Pretty impressive. Below are a couple of exclusive insider pictures of the event. More info and interviews coming soon.
Some of the ecoLegacy Team, investors and visitors
Kirsten doing a demo with some of the crew

Hip and knee parts that will be recyclable with the new technology.
The mastermind new unit is unveiled!
The machinery on view then (in March 2014) will be far from what will exist in Funeral Homes when the units roll out next year. They will decrease in size. The units are still in development stage. The product's physical appearance will develop over the coming months to a much sleeker and visually stimulating model. The ecoLegacy team are as much into the 'look' of this baby as to the operational abilities and how they market the product will be key for its success.
The remains - if it's cremains from cremation - is it ecolains for ecoLated remains??
CEO and founder of ecoLegacy Tony Ennis and I at the ICCFA in LasVegas in April.
irish products,
Tony Ennis
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Why should you use Blogging/Social Media for your funeral home? P1
The online world is fast and crazy and without the right
approach, or the right tools it can easily become a serious problem and bad PR
for your funeral home.
If a Facebook page is created incorrectly, or created and
not maintained then this actually creates a negative impact upon your reputation
online. The same applies to a blog
or Twitter or any social media accounts. These sites should not be started, if
they cannot be maintained and equally there is no point to them if they are not
generating the right conversation amongst your target market or on a higher
level, if they are not generating leads.
Boost SEO
Statistics show that businesses who blog and use social
media will increase website traffic by up to 60%. The more people on your
website the more awareness your community will have of the services and
products you sell and the resources you can offer.
One of the biggest benefits of blogging is getting your
website to rank better for relevant keywords on search engines. And your
Funeral Home’s Facebook page should be seen as another website for your
business. It will often rank as high if not higher on Search Engines because of
Facebook’s Domain. Look at your Facebook page as an interactive website that
encourages a two-way conversation with your target market.
Show you are human
Most people have a negative view of a funeral home – the
idea of the grim reaper, dark, dim, stuffy rooms and often ‘ambulance chasers’.
Blogging can help you dispel the myths and show people your
funeral home’s heart. What better way to get ahead of the competition than
showing people you genuinely care about them? Would you buy from a friend or a
stranger? People buy from people they know and trust and blogging and social
media help the public to see a funeral home as a group of people with the aim
of helping and caring for the community when a death occurs.
The Community
You are at the heart of your community. Yes, you want your
community to automatically think of you when it’s time to create a funeral
service but to do that you need to build awareness of your funeral home, your
expertise and gain their trust. Showcase this on your blog. Become the go-to
website for their questions. Link up with the community on events and help
support their events by promoting them on your blog and social media. Give
testimonials, reviews and recommendations. Show your love of your community and
that message will spread.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Graham Chapman and John Cleese
Graham Chapman's Memorial Service
John Cleese doing a hilarious and apt eulogy
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